Pioneer Winter Collective

Pioneer Winter Collective is a modern dance collective of allied bodies

that democratize performance through unexpected bodies in unexpected places

that create unexpected change. Follow the link above to learn more.

World Peace-

A site to find the global peace events in your area, join the movement.

This is where the Blue Flame Planetary Grid Ceremony is listed for 2016

Happehatchee Center

This sacred site on the West Coast of Florida will host the Blue Flame Ceremony 2016 

Masaoka Glass design

Find the extraordinary work of stained glass artist Alan Masaoka of Carmel Valley, California.

Website created by Catherine Berendsohn

The Ripplewood King

Fine Ripplewood carvings by artist Mark Schlegel.

Artist's website created by Catherine Berendsohn


Recommended Viewing

These documentaries are recommended viewing as they are illustrations of the forces that are currently effecting the world. They are views of the many facets that need to be addressed to create a sustainable future and a more just society. These seemingly different topics are in fact all inter-related, when connected we see a portrait of our world, our pain, our needs, and our greatness. We begin to see each other. We SeE ourselves.


Trailer- The Hunting Grounds- A Documentary by Lady Gaga and the Force Behind the “It’s On Us” Campaign to end Sexual Assault on College Campuses


This is one of the most important documentaries of our time. This is the fallout of my life and many friends I love. It is time it stop. We will see that the effects of our current Patriarchal Structure are creating Rape Culture, and I will work to illustrate its connection to all other forms of domination and abuse extending to diverse peoples and the environment.


The story of a 4th generation farmer and seed cleaner who went toe to toe with Monsanto.



This is a very important documentary about the reality of threat by corporate powers seeking to control the water supply as our climate goes toward a more drastic desert composition due to climate change. It contains some disturbing parts, be warned I was shocked I recall when I watched it.


Can you believe the car companies that made the electric car KILLED them off in 2006? We could have had them before the four year warning ended, and we would have to live out the effects of climate change, like we do now... But here is its revenge-


I met the director Josh Fox when he showed his film in Miami last year. He showed it here because Florida is on the front line, my home with its "transitional" landscape of gentle continental shelf that makes our famous beaches, to be the first of places to go under the sea with the rising oceans from climate change effects of the melting ice caps. He captures a world view, and lessons of our ancient people that know what comes first for us all in the needs of the world for water, air, and land, are blended with windows into all walks of culture and life as a way to see what the implication of climate change really is.