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Creative Roots- Exhibit Opening


An exhibit exploring artistic identity and interconnection


Join us in Tallahassee at the Lichgate off High Road on March 27th for this exhibit showcasing spiritual and temporal themes through painting, photography, and a community based installation to give back to the earth.

Quartz Installation

The installation centers around local historic themes and spiritual inter connectedness. The Appalachee Native Americans of the Tallahassee area revered quartz as a sacred material with spiritual properties. For this installation pieces of clear quartz will be collected and donated by participants and hung from the rafters inside the historic Lichgate house. Guests will participate in the installation by "charging" the quartz pieces with their thoughts and their blessings for the earth. This is a practice of mindfulness and giving back to the environment in honor of the request of Wisdom Keeper Little Grandmother. The offering of quartz will have one portion be buried in the earth on site at the Lichgate with a marker above, and the second portion will be placed in a fresh body of water to bless the water systems of Florida. This evokes the provocative photographs of Dr. Masaru Emoto which show the structure of water crystals being effected by the consciousness of human beings. the goal of the water offering is the magnification of our blessings spreading through our water systems and raining down on the land to spread the blessing throughout the world.

Other Exhibit Features

The exhibit will also feature works portraying the personal connection of the artist to the site. A photography series will be on display showcasing a temporal installation done in 2008 in which Catherine Berendsohn created a clay figure of the face of a woman on the Lichgate Oak. This was created in honor of the legend that a woman is the spirit of the tree. 

The final display will focus around a new oil painting that is a self-portrait of the artist and the Lichgate Oak. This portrait captures the emergence of the artist in her creative identity and sense of self-containment as she gazes at the tree. The power of the image is in what is not visible. The history of the connection to the tree and the personal psychology of memory are the unseen focus of the artist. This painting is a meditation and act of personal definition as to the artist's emerging creative identity. This piece will be housed at its site specific location in the Lichgate house. 

This exhibit will feature other elements such as sound installations and the screening of the documentary film "Walk With Me" created by director Danny D'Amico.

Later Event: September 22
Blue Flame Planetary Grid Ceremony 2016